Public Safety Officer Awarded $20,000 After Vehicular Assault
Our client was traveling on Boston Avenue in Bridgeport when he was struck suddenly from the rear. The impact forced his vehicle off the road. Read On
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. Client names have been changed to protect their identity.
Our client was traveling on Boston Avenue in Bridgeport when he was struck suddenly from the rear. The impact forced his vehicle off the road. Read On
As our client was waiting to make a left turn onto a road in Middlebury, Connecticut, she was struck multiple times. Read On
Our client was driving her motor vehicle on a public road, located in the City of Danbury. Suddenly, the passenger side of her vehicle was struck by another driver. Read On
Our client’s injuries included a severely broken neck and thoracic spine, a life-threatening right vertebral artery dissection and severe bruising, lacerations and contusions to her entire body. Read On
Our client was seriously injured after being struck by a motor vehicle while crossing the street. Our attorneys were able to secure damages that amounted to $400,000 for her. Read On
Our lawyers recovered $150,000 for a client by citing several cases unknown by many Connecticut injury lawyers. Read On
We recently represented a 25-year-old male who was a passenger in a truck that was involved in a one vehicle accident. Our client received a laceration on his scalp, and he fractured his thumb. He also received several stitches on both his scalp and finger. He went to the hospital on the evening of the accident, had one follow-up appointment with an orthopedic doctor and did not seek any other additional medical care or treatment. Read On
We represented a woman who was struck by a nail gun after entering a building under construction. Read On
We represented a gentleman who went drag racing at a motorcycle track. One of the requirements, prior to racing, was that he sign a waiver which was meant to preclude him from suing the track if anything happened to him if he was injured. Read On
After we were contacted by an elderly client who was hit by a car as a pedestrian in a parking lot, we immediately got to work on their file. Fortunately, the parking lot where our client was struck had security cameras. Read On
Sherry had just exited her local Dunkin’ Donuts with her daughter when she slipped and fell on the icy walkway, caused by the water dripping off of the roof. Luckily, her daughter took pictures... Read On
Al was working as a pharmaceutical sales rep when he was hit by a negligent driver. Read On
Mary was sitting on the couch petting her Aunt’s dog when the dog lunged at her and bit her face. Read On
Kathy's Story Kathy was exiting a grocery store and as she began to cross the parking lot a woman in a car looked to her right to make sure that no cars were coming before turning directly into Kathy and knocking her to the ground. Kathy was taken by ambulance to the hospital where she was tre... Read On
Bob was in a local big box store when he tripped and fell over a loose piece of slate and fell to the ground. Read On
Frank was driving home from the store when a man in a rental vehicle can find across the double yellow line and hit his vehicle head-on. Read On
Daniel exited a city bus in an area where there was no crosswalk or walk light when he was struck and hit by a car exiting a commercial parking lot. Read On
Connie was seriously injured when an elderly driver crossed over the double yellow line and hit her car head-on. Read On
Tony and his family were hit by a tractor-trailer while returning home one evening. Read On
Janice was riding a taxicab when another vehicle ran a red light and slammed into the side of the cab. Read On
When you choose Hastings, Cohan & Walsh, LLP you will receive the one-on-one attention and individualized support that you deserve. Our Connecticut personal injury attorneys will not treat you as just another case number nor will we hand your case off to a paralegal.
Unlike other law firms, we will personally handle each legal aspect of your case, walking with you every step of the way. We aim to provide the highest quality representation possible. We have extensive experience and training in a variety of aspects of personal injury law. We obtain the knowledge and skill-set necessary to maximize your compensation.