Elderly Woman Hit in Commercial Parking Lot

Kathy's Story
Kathy was exiting a grocery store and as she began to cross the parking lot a woman in a car looked to her right to make sure that no cars were coming before turning directly into Kathy and knocking her to the ground. Kathy was taken by ambulance to the hospital where she was treated and released.
Our office immediately got involved in the investigation of this case. We met with the store manager to obtain the video of the incident and reviewed other information in proving the liability in her case. Kathy was seen by various doctors and therapists and had a number of underlying pre-existing medical conditions.
We were able to convince the insurance company of the woman that hit Kathy as to the fact that her case had significant value even given her pre-existing injuries and we were able to obtain a substantial amount of money for her claim. She was very happy with the outcome and made a very good recovery.