We are frequently contacted by people who have been hit by a car while traveling as a pedestrian. Some of these individuals have very serious injuries given the fact that they are unprotected and are struck by vehicles that are many thousands of pounds and are sometimes traveling at a high rate of speed. In fact, one recent study found that approximately 6,000 pedestrians were killed in traffic accidents in a recent year. Additionally, over 137,000 pedestrians were injured and treated in emergency rooms in this country, according to a study by the CDC a few years ago. These numbers seem to be increasing with the epidemic of distracted driving.
One of the first questions that must be answered when reviewing a CT pedestrian accident case is who is at fault. The answer to that question depends upon the facts and circumstances of each case. Generally speaking, Connecticut law provides that any vehicle, with the exception of emergency vehicles, must grant you the right of way if you are in a marked crosswalk or at the curb waiting to enter a marked crosswalk or if there is no traffic signal and you have the green light or walk signal. You would also be, in most cases, entitled to the right of way if you are walking across a sidewalk that contains a driveway and then a motor vehicle attempts to enter.

There are a number of cases where pedestrians must yield the right-of-way to a driver. Some of those situations could include when an emergency vehicle with sirens or flashers is traveling down the roadway, when walking or running into the path of a vehicle, which is so close to them, that it does not allow the driver the opportunity to yield, crossing diagonally at intersections, and stepping out into the street that does not involve a crosswalk. There are also exceptions to these rules which could require the driver's obligation to act responsibly and avoid being negligent.
Our Connecticut pedestrian accident attorneys have represented and consulted with countless individuals who have been injured in these types of accidents. Most of these injured parties have been struck while in a crosswalk while some of them were crossing the street in an area where a crosswalk was not present, or were hit by motor vehicles while the vehicle was making a right-hand turn but was not looking and did not see the pedestrian, or where an individual was hit while crossing the roadway by a vehicle that was exiting a parking lot.
If you have been injured as a pedestrian in Connecticut it is important that you understand your legal options as soon as possible. You should do this before you speak with the insurance adjuster of the person that caused your accident because this could severely harm your case. Our Connecticut pedestrian accident lawyers handle these cases on a contingency fee basis and advance the costs to develop your case. In other words, you will not have to come up with any money out of your pocket and if there is no recovery you will owe no legal fees and no costs.
Get a free book on Connecticut accident law and speak with one of our Connecticut injury lawyers for free. Click here to contact us today!
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