In this week's edition of our "HCW: How Can We?" Youtube series, you will learn how we determine the value of your Connecticut accident or injury case. This is one of the first questions that a new client will want to ask of us after they have been injured in some type of accident. The answer to this question depends on a great number of variables many of which we will not have available to us at the time the question is posed.
Sometimes people feel frustrated because we do not provide them with an immediate value of their case. Imagine if you called a real estate broker who you are not familiar with and who is not visited your home. You then tell the real estate broker that you have a four-bedroom 2 1/2 bath center hall colonial located on Mimosa Circle in Ridgefield and you want to know what your house is worth.
Chances are that you would not get the real estate broker to tell you the value of your house because it would depend upon a number of variables such as the condition of the house, how much updating has been done to the house, what needs to be repaired or replaced, the location on that particular road, the topography of the property, and many other issues that would go into the calculation of value. The real estate broker would first want to visit your home and inspect your property before giving you their estimation as to value.
The same thing is true of your Connecticut accident or injury case. The first thing we will want to know is how the accident happened and what type of liability could be assigned to each party. We would also want to know about your medical care and treatment, your past medical situation, your lost wages, what type of future medical care and treatment you may receive, what type of future lost wages you may incur, what your permanent disability will be if any, how much pain you will endure and over what period of time how much suffering you've experienced and the extent of that suffering, whether or not you will be left with a permanent scar and what it will look like and where it is located in a large number of other variables.
The time when we will be able to provide you with an estimation as to the value of your case is after you have concluded your medical care and treatment, after we have been provided with a final medical report from your treating physician or physicians, and once we obtain all of your needed information so we can draft a comprehensive settlement demand package which we will review with you and then discuss the value of your case.
It is important to know that if you do not contact an experienced Connecticut personal injury lawyer as soon as possible, you could do things that might have a very negative effect on the value of your case. We are happy to speak with injured parties and their families at no cost or obligation so please contact us as soon as possible to see how we can help you so you do not make a mistake in the early stages of your Connecticut accident or injury case.
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