Thoughts from the most bizarre week ever.

Posted by Richard P. Hastings | Mar 29, 2020 | 0 Comments

Essential Lawyers

I have been practicing law for over 36 years, and this has been the most unusual, and that is a gross and complete understatement, week I've ever experienced over a period of time that has covered five different decades. As a result of the order of the Governor of the State of Connecticut, law offices are one of the listed essential service providers.

We are here. We are open. We are servicing our clients. We are speaking with new clients. We are speaking with insurance adjusters. We are managing our litigation files. We are speaking with experts. We are making sure that the needed work gets done. We are also taking active steps to continually clean our office, to limit face-to-face meetings, and to engage in social distancing with our staff.

It is difficult to turn on the television, read a newspaper, or scan the Internet without reading dark and very depressing stories. Despite these very real and disturbing reports, there are many instances of neighbors helping neighbors and people pulling together to assist those in times of their greatest need.

We have joined in this effort. We are donating to a number of different agencies. We are purchasing to-go food from a number of our area restaurants and are leaving large tips for the restaurant staff to help supplement their loss of income.

If we can assist any of our clients, family, friends, or neighbors, please reach out to us. If you need things printed or faxed or other types of services that you might not be able to access readily, we will be able to assist you. We would ask that you contact us via email ([email protected]) and let us know what it is you need, including providing us with attachments, so that we can do this with minimal physical contact.

We are also here to answer any questions that you might have without cost or obligation. Many people have many questions about various legal issues regarding injuries and damages they are suffering as a result of fallout from the coronavirus. If we can't answer your questions, we will attempt to point you in the right direction or give you the name and contact information of someone that you can speak with.

We will all get through this together. Things will return to some level of normalcy in the not-too-distant future. Our country has seen many catastrophic events in the past, and we have persevered. This will be no exception!

Please let us know if we can help you in any way and, above all, be safe.

About the Author

Richard P. Hastings

Attorney Hastings concentrates his practice on personal injury and litigation. Devoted to helping those who have suffered some type of wrong, Richard P. Hastings concentrates his law practice on personal injury law.


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When you choose Hastings, Cohan & Walsh, LLP you will receive the one-on-one attention and individualized support that you deserve. Our Connecticut personal injury attorneys will not treat you as just another case number nor will we hand your case off to a paralegal.

Unlike other law firms, we will personally handle each legal aspect of your case, walking with you every step of the way. We aim to provide the highest quality representation possible. We have extensive experience and training in a variety of aspects of personal injury law. We obtain the knowledge and skill-set necessary to maximize your compensation.

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