In one recent year, more than 50 people died, in CT pedestrian accidents, after being struck by a motor vehicle. Researchers indicate that this number could be higher because when a pedestrian is taken from the scene of an accident in an ambulance and later dies at the hospital from their injuries police departments might not always be advised of this fact.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that, in the United States, someone dies approximately every eight minutes as result of being struck by motor vehicle. Our Connecticut crosswalk accident attorneys represented individuals in a number of different types of pedestrian accidents and the question always becomes: who is at fault? The answer, as is the case in most situations, is that it depends on the facts and circumstances.
Connecticut crosswalk law provides that a pedestrian has the right of way when crossing in a crosswalk after stepping off the curb. There are a number of exceptions to this rule and generally speaking a pedestrian who crosses in an unmarked crosswalk has to yield the right-of-way to motor vehicles on the roadway.
The liability of the parties can be affected by a great number of circumstances, which could include but might not be limited to the following: was the driver speeding or operating their motor vehicle recklessly; was the driver under the influence of drugs or alcohol; was the driver engaged in distracted driving activities such as using a cell phone or the GPS; was the driver violating some other Connecticut motor vehicle law; or was there some other type of negligent behavior present?
Unfortunately, when a pedestrian is struck by a motor vehicle the injuries and damages sustained can be very significant which could result in death, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, broken bones, cosmetic injuries and a great number of other types of problems of the physical and both psychological nature.
If you or someone you know has been injured in a crosswalk accident or as a pedestrian then you should contact our experience Connecticut pedestrian accident lawyers at the earliest possible moment so that your case can be investigated and a determination can be made about who was at fault in your accident case. There could be a number of reasons why this must be done as soon as possible because, for example, evidence will have to be preserved and witnesses will have to be contacted and interviewed.
Our Connecticut pedestrian accident attorneys represent injured parties on a contingency fee basis and we advance the costs to develop their case. In other words you do not have to have any money to retain our Connecticut personal injury lawyers to represent you in your case. Contact us today to see how we can help you.
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