As parents our greatest responsibility and concern is to provide for the safety and well-being of our children. Unfortunately, no matter how diligent we are and how much we try and protect our children, child accidents and injuries occur every minute of every day. Car accidents, playground injuries, slip and falls, sports injuries, bus accidents, dog bites, burn injuries, injuries from toys and other causes can result in strains and sprains to broken bones to head injuries to traumatic brain injuries to injuries involving scarring that requires plastic surgery. Sadly, some of the accidents result in very serious injuries and tragically some result in death. If your child is injured in some type of accident then you should take certain steps.
First and certainly most importantly, you should see to it that your child gets the proper medical care and attention. Always err on the side of caution and make sure your child gets seen by a medical professional should you have any doubt about whether the is the proper course of action. Sometimes the severity of the injury does not become apparent until a day or more after the accident. Some injuries can affect a growth plate which should be dealt with before additional complications result and other cases can result in infections that cause even greater problems. One of the last things you want to hear from a doctor days after the accident is, "I wish you had brought your child in to see me as soon as they were injured because now this problem is really intensified."
You also owe it to your child to investigate whether or not the injury received forms the basis of a viable claim for money damages. Most responsible or negligent party's have liability insurance for these types of situations. So if your teen is injured because his friend got into a car accident while your teen was with him then a claim would be made against the car owner's liability insurance company. At the very least you should investigate any potential case your child might have with an experienced injury attorney. Your child could be entitled to money damages for: past and future medical bills; out of pocket expenses; psychological injuries; pain and suffering; any disfigurement or permanent injuries; lost wages for the child and/or parent; potential emotional bystander distress claims; and possibly more.
You do not want to speak with the insurance company or worst yet, give a recorded statement unless and until you first speak with an experienced child injury lawyer. If you do you run the risk of reducing your child's injury case value by thousands , if not tens of thousands of dollars. The insurance adjuster's job is to pay you the least amount of money possible for your child's injury case and you will give them that opportunity by not at least speaking with an experienced child injury lawyer first.
So before you speak to an insurance adjuster, hire a lawyer or sign any paperwork get a copy of our FREE book "The Crash Course on Child Injury Claims." Visit us at to get the free download immediately. You can also tell us about your child's case online using our brief case evaluation form or you can call us to get free answers to your questions or to set up a no cost no obligation appointment at (888) 244-5480. Your child was injured once don't let them get injured a second time. Contact us today.
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