Child Growth Plate Injury Treatment and Healing
Your child is seriously hurt in an accident and breaks an arm and a leg. The growth plate is injured and not you are faced with further complications that are only adding to your anxiety and confusion. Who can you turn to? What should you do? Are you currently doing things that could harm your child's case? What attorney can give you answers to your many questions as soon as possible so you know what to do? Call and speak to a Connecticut child injury attorney today at (888) 244-5480 or get our FREE injury book by visiting right now. Put our decades of legal experience to work for you today.
So how can a growth plate be treated, depending upon the circumstances? The treatment for a growth plate injury depends upon the nature and severity of the fracture but could include:
- Immobilization: The affected limb might be put in a splint, an air cast, a soft cast or a hard cast and the child would be told to limit his or her activity;
- Manipulation or Surgery: If the fracture is displaced, which means that the ends of the fractured bone do not meet as they should, then the doctor will either have to put the bones back in their correct position either by manipulating the bones manually or by a surgical procedure;
- Physical Therapy: Your child's doctor might prescribe a course of physical therapy which is meant to strengthen the muscles that support the affected area so as to improve the affected limb's ability to move more freely; or
- Long Term Follow Up: Your child's doctor will probably want to follow up on a periodic basis to monitor your child's progress which could include the use of diagnostic imaging including X-rays to make sure the bone is healing properly. The vast majority of growth plate injuries heal without any long term negative effects
- The ability of your child's growth plate fracture to heal without a long term disability would depend upon some or all of the following factors:
- The location of and severity of the fracture on the bone;
- The type of fracture;
- The specific growth plate which is fractured;
- The timeliness and type of treatment; or
- The age of the child.
It is very important that this unique child injury be properly examined and treated so that the injured child can get the best result possible and hopefully not be left with any type of permanent disability. Don't delay, call us today!
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