Automobile Accidents and Young Adult Fatalities

Posted by Richard P. Hastings | Nov 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

Automobile accidents account for the leading cause of death for young people ages 16 to 21. A major reason for this tragic statistic is driver inexperience. There are a number of other major factors that combine that lead to these deadly consequences. These factors include immaturity, reckless and thrill seeking behavior, peer pressure, poor judgment, speeding, alcohol and drug use, distracted driving and failure to abide by the law.

Parents can help to reduce teen driving accidents by becoming a partner in educating their teen about the great importance in following parent mandated rules and regulations regarding the operation of a motor vehicle. Driver training and education, between the parent and teen, should also be an ongoing exercise to constantly educate teens about new driving situations and reinforce good driving habits already taught to them.

An important consideration for parents to remember about their teen is the fact that a teenagers brain is not yet fully developed and that their brains process information differently than adult brains. As a result something that might seem quite obvious to an adult might not register as such with a teenager. Teens often do not think in advance about the consequences of their actions the way a more mature adult might.

One of the best teaching techniques a parent can utilize with their teen is to be a good role model in how they operate a motor vehicle. You should always use your seat belt before driving your vehicle and insist that all occupants do so before proceeding. Always try and anticipate situations that your teen might have to drive in where they have little experience for example night driving which presents a different set of challenges, driving in the rain or on wet surfaces, snow and ice, especially black ice, and other extreme weather situations.

Unfortunately, despite our best efforts teen driving accidents occur that can result in a variety of injuries from minor soft tissue type problems to broken bones to fatal accidents. If you or a loved one have been involved in a teen driving accident it is important to get properly advised as to your rights and determine what you should be doing and as importantly, what you should not be doing. We have been answering questions, advising clients and representing injured parties for decades. Contact us today to get our FREE book, "The Crash Course on Personal Injury Claims." Visit us at or call us toll free at 888. 842.8466. Let us answer your questions.

About the Author

Richard P. Hastings

Attorney Hastings concentrates his practice on personal injury and litigation. Devoted to helping those who have suffered some type of wrong, Richard P. Hastings concentrates his law practice on personal injury law.


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