Be Aware of Delayed or Hidden Injuries That you Later Experience in Your CT Accident Case
If you have been injured in a car accident, truck accident, motorcycle, slip and fall, dog bite, medical malpractice or other type of CT accident case, you may not be aware of all of your injuries immediately after you are initially injured! Because accidents occur in a variety of ways, for example: rear impact; side impact; front impact; two moving vehicles hitting each other; a moving vehicle hitting a stationary object; a rider falling off of a motorcycle; a high speed impact; a minor impact; falling face first; falling on your back; twisting injuries; whiplash injuries; and any one of a number of other ways, it is possible that the injured party might later experience the onset of delayed or hidden injuries. It is therefore important to pay close attention to your body and described all pain, discomfort and problems which you are experiencing to your doctors and medical providers. It is also important to keep them updated as to other injuries as you experience them.
In many cases your body will initially go into shock and the trauma of the events of the accident might cause your brain to function in a very different way which masks certain injuries until days, weeks or event months later. The way in which you carry out your day to day activities might aggravate a dormant or latent injury or you might exacerbate a preexisting injury that has been asymptomatic for years. It is important that you do not downplay injuries to your doctor or ignore pain in the hope that it will go away. In order to be properly compensated for your injuries in is easier if you have detailed all of your problems and pain complaints to all of your doctors and health care providers as they occur or in a timely manner.
Hastings, Cohan & Walsh, LLP offers free books on injury law and free consultations so you can find out more about your unique case. Contact us today so you do not do anything to adversely affect the value of your claim.
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