Autumn is a highly anticipated season of the year for many Connecticut residents. The leaves turn warm, vibrant hues, and then slowly make a soft descent to the ground beneath. The temperatures begin to drop too, making it the perfect time to show off our latest trendy sweaters. It is the ideal time to go outside to engage in various athletic activities such as bike riding, running, jogging, or walking. Unfortunately, this is also the time of the year when many hazards that cause people to fall are the most present. Some of these injuries can be quite serious and can result in the hospitalization of the person who fell. In fact, falls account for over 8 million hospital emergency room visits, representing the leading cause of visits, according to the NFSI. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the common hazards you could encounter to avoid becoming the victim of a trip and fall or slip and fall accident in Connecticut.
1. Daylight Savings
We just set our clocks back an hour, so it is getting darker earlier. It would be best if you were extremely careful when engaging in any sporting activities or while walking because of the fact that it is getting darker earlier. You might not see specific hazards, such as a hole in the sidewalk, because they may be partially covered with leaves and not adequately illuminated. If you regularly find yourself walking on the streets after dark, it is vital for you to prepare for this activity with visibility in mind. Carry a flashlight, wear bright or reflective clothing, make sure the bottoms of your shoes have grip and be ever mindful of your surroundings.
2. Wet Sidewalks and Roadways
Autumn sees a fair amount of rainfall, which causes many leaves to detach from their branches. They tend to stick to the roadways and sidewalks, enveloping them like a dangerously slick carpet. Wet leaves are incredibly hazardous since they can be as slippery as ice. In addition, the covered waking surfaces can be especially perilous if they are made of tiles, bricks, metal, glass, or other surfaces of a non-kid-proof nature. Therefore, you must walk with caution, especially when wet leaves are underfoot, and whenever possible, wear shoes that will reduce the risk of slipping.
3. Ice and Snow
It is getting to that time of the year when temperatures begin to drop dramatically and sometimes below freezing. As a result, frost, ice, and snow can start to accumulate- even in small amounts. If a walking or driving surface is covered with frost, ice, or snow, moving along that surface is much more hazardous. Sometimes these conditions are challenging to detect, so you must pay close attention while walking when the temperatures dip near or below freezing.
4. Fallen Objects
Most people look 6 to 12 feet ahead of them while they are walking. Hence, it stands to reason that you are not looking straight down when walking down a sidewalk or pathway because you would not be alert to anything that may be ahead of you. Considering most people look out into the distance when walking, items directly below your feet are often difficult to notice. It is important to understand that many branches, acorns, leaves, and other objects fall to the ground during the autumn season, which makes walking more hazardous. Therefore, it is necessary to be constantly aware of your surroundings and notice items ahead of you so that you have been alerted to the potential danger that such conditions might create by the time you get to them.
What to do After a Fall
If you or someone you know has been injured in a Connecticut trip and fall or slip and fall accident, there are several different things you must do as soon as you possibly can:
- If anyone witnessed your fall, you should get the name and address of that individual.
- You should contact 911 if an injury has occurred so the police can file an accident report and an ambulance can transport you to the nearest hospital.
- To the extent that you are able, you or someone at the accident site should take as many pictures of the location as possible. These pictures should capture what caused you to slip and fall or trip and fall as well as the exact location of where the fall took place so that you will have a photographic record to provide to your Connecticut personal injury lawyer.
- Finally, you should contact an experienced Connecticut personal injury lawyer at the earliest possible moment. They will explain what you should be doing to add value to your case and what you should avoid doing so that your case does not lose value.
For example, you should attend regular doctor's appointments so that there is a record of treatment for your injury. You should never speak with the insurance adjuster representing the person responsible for your injuries and damages, as doing so could severely compromise your case and reduce the value of your claim by hundreds and thousands of dollars.
Do not make a mistake in attempting to handle your own Connecticut personal injury case! The Connecticut personal injury lawyers at Hastings, Cohan & Walsh provide free information and advice. To speak with one of our injury lawyers, please call (203) 438-7450. If you would like to schedule an appointment to have a free virtual consultation, click here to contact us. We will be happy to meet with you to discuss the specific facts of your case!
Can I Afford a Lawyer?
You do not have to come up with any money out of pocket to have our Connecticut personal injury lawyers work on your case. Our firm handles these cases on a contingency fee basis, and we advance the costs to develop your case. You will not have to pay any legal fees or costs unless and until we recover money damages. We take all of the financial risks so you can concentrate on what's most important, which is getting better as quickly as possible.
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